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7 Ide Promosi Untuk Hari Kemerdekaan

Hari kemerdekaan Indonesia memang selalu menjadi momen yang spesial bagi masyarakat di negeri ini. Spesialnya momen kemerdekaan ini bisa kita lihat dari banyaknya perayaan yang selalu hadir di setiap kampung pada bulan Agustus. Tidak hanya di kampung-kampung, meriahnya hari kemerdekaan bangsa Indonesia ini juga seringkali dimeriahkan oleh dunia usaha. Biasanya dalam dunia usaha, hari kemerdekaanContinue reading “7 Ide Promosi Untuk Hari Kemerdekaan”

iSeller Simplifies Global Commerce with PayPal and Stripe Integration.

Jakarta, July 24, 2018 — iSeller Commerce, Indonesia’s leading cloud e-commerce and point-of-sale platform officially announces that it has entered collaboration with global online payment company, PayPal, to provide and facilitate online payments for iSeller’s merchants around the globe. International online trading is undoubtedly helping businesses of all sizes to compete internationally with unprecedented ease. ForContinue reading “iSeller Simplifies Global Commerce with PayPal and Stripe Integration.”

Special Offer: Free GO-SEND Shipping

It is a pleasure for me to finally announce that iSeller and GO-SEND have finally collaborate together to further support Indonesia’s small to medium enterprises. This integration enables all iSeller online store merchants to ship their products instantly with GO-SEND. This integration lets you easily sell and send your product effectively and efficiently. All youContinue reading “Special Offer: Free GO-SEND Shipping”

Introducing Full Mobile Support for iSeller Web Admin

The much anticipated mobile support for iSeller web admin is finally here, thanks to all our customers for the feedback! Need to update product price but forgot to bring your laptop? No worries, just launch the browser from your iPhone or Android devices, and login to iSeller web admin with your account as usual. With full mobile supportContinue reading “Introducing Full Mobile Support for iSeller Web Admin”

iSeller Top New Features in April

We are obsessed with supporting small to medium enterprises to overcome their difficulties in multi-channel selling. It’s our mission to provide the best and comprehensive system that help you develop your business. Over the past years, we have delivered various great features that you will find useful and love to use. With that in mind,Continue reading “iSeller Top New Features in April”

iSeller Join Forces with GO-SEND to Provide Instant Delivery Services for SMBs

JAKARTA, 13 April 2018 – Indonesia is a country with big potential for every business especially online-based business. The significant development of E-commerce sector in the year 2017 make the sector very famous for every investor in 2018. Investment Coordinating Board state that the investment rate for E-commerce sector in the year 2017 reached up toContinue reading “iSeller Join Forces with GO-SEND to Provide Instant Delivery Services for SMBs”

Gain Insights to Your Business with iSeller F&B Performance Reports

After your business is established and running well, you might be inclined to let things run as they are. However, it’s actually time to review, plan, and action again. After the crucial early stages of your business, you should regularly review your progress, identify which part of your business have run smoothly and which partContinue reading “Gain Insights to Your Business with iSeller F&B Performance Reports”

Increase Your Profit with iSeller Happy Hour Feature

What is Happy Hour? Happy Hours is a marketing strategy that is used by lots of businesses to offer their customers various of advantages (discounts, promotions, special food and beverages, etc.) in a specific time of the days to attract more customers. The concept of Happy Hour is most likely to happen during after-work hoursContinue reading “Increase Your Profit with iSeller Happy Hour Feature”

iSeller and Sleekr Join Forces to Automate Financial Recording Process

The number of SME business in Indonesia have increased rampantly. Business potential for SMEs in Indonesia is very promising, and will bring a great impact when supported by good business system, such as direct integration between selling and accounting system. Seeing this opportunity, iSeller join forces with Sleekr to simplify bookkeeping and bring new experiences forContinue reading “iSeller and Sleekr Join Forces to Automate Financial Recording Process”

Hassle-free Invoice and Barcode Printing with iSeller Skip to end of metadata

Printing invoice and barcode label was once a difficult and tedious task to do – not anymore with iSeller! In the recent updates, we deliver numerous exciting enhancements that makes invoice and barcode printing easy and simple. It will definitely make your life a whole lot easier. Let’s check it out. Improved Order Printing In theContinue reading “Hassle-free Invoice and Barcode Printing with iSeller Skip to end of metadata”