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Tips Memulai Bisnis Kuliner

Bisnis kuliner merupakan salah satu tipe bisnis yang memiliki potensi besar. Karena seperti yang kita semua ketahui, makan adalah kebutuhan utama hidup. Mungkin tren bisnis di bidang lain bisa berubah dan mati seiring jalan, namun, kebutuhan akan makanan tidak akan pernah berubah. Maka dari itu, membangun bisnis kuliner adalah salah satu langkah yang baik buatContinue reading “Tips Memulai Bisnis Kuliner”

Client Highlight April 2019

Everyone has their own story of success, so does every successful business. Here are five of our merchants who entrust their business with iSeller. Take a look at how they successfully grow their business with us! Portal Coffee and Eatery Portal Coffee and Eatery is one of the most cozy, comfortable and instagram-able place toContinue reading “Client Highlight April 2019”

Top Features in January 2019

Everybody loves something new, right? So do we! Last year, we grew so much with so many great features that would make your selling experience smoother and easier. But, are we gonna be satisfied with them? Of course, no! We keep improving and adding new features to give you a better experience with us. SomeContinue reading “Top Features in January 2019”

Introducing Full Mobile Support for iSeller Web Admin

The much anticipated mobile support for iSeller web admin is finally here, thanks to all our customers for the feedback! Need to update product price but forgot to bring your laptop? No worries, just launch the browser from your iPhone or Android devices, and login to iSeller web admin with your account as usual. With full mobile supportContinue reading “Introducing Full Mobile Support for iSeller Web Admin”

iSeller Top New Features in April

We are obsessed with supporting small to medium enterprises to overcome their difficulties in multi-channel selling. It’s our mission to provide the best and comprehensive system that help you develop your business. Over the past years, we have delivered various great features that you will find useful and love to use. With that in mind,Continue reading “iSeller Top New Features in April”

Increase Customer Retention with iSeller Loyalty Point

Customer loyalty is an interesting topic that is discussed everywhere. Many experts in business industry aim to find the most effective and efficient way to achieve maximum customer loyalty. It’s important to focus on customer loyalty and their satisfactions. Loyal customers spend more, spread free word of mouth promotion and visit your store more often,Continue reading “Increase Customer Retention with iSeller Loyalty Point”

Kitchen Display System Benefits for Various Restaurant Departments

In my previous post, I have discussed various benefits from KDS (kitchen display system), most of those benefits are designated for modern business-owner. Aside from giving tremendous benefits to business owner, KDS is proven to provide various benefits to different F&B departments such as: kitchen department, bartenders, and waiter/waitress. In this opportunity, I will shareContinue reading “Kitchen Display System Benefits for Various Restaurant Departments”

Kitchen Display System Benefits for Various F&B Departments

In my previous post, I have discussed various benefits from KDS (kitchen display system), most of those benefits are designated for modern business-owner. Aside from giving tremendous benefits to business owner, KDS is proven to provide various benefits to different F&B departments such as: kitchen department, bartenders, and waiter/waitress. In this opportunity, I will shareContinue reading “Kitchen Display System Benefits for Various F&B Departments”