Gimana sih cara manajemen bisnis yang baik dan penerapannya dalam bisnis kamu? Berbicara tentang punya bisnis, semua orang pasti bisa membuka bisnis asal mereka punya modal yang cukup. Pertanyaannya adalah, apakah bisnis yang mereka jalani bisa mereka atur dengan baik? Ketika kamu punya bisnis, kamu gak cuma jualan, tapi banyak hal dalam bisnis yang harusContinue reading “Cara Manajemen Bisnis dan Penerapannya Dalam Bisnis Kamu“
Tag Archives: iSeller POS
Cara Manajemen Bisnis dan Penerapannya Dalam Bisnis Kamu
Jangan Sampai Bisnismu Hancur Karena 5 Kesalahan Fatal Dalam Keuangan Ini!
Semua pebisnis pasti ingin bisnisnya berkembang dan menghasilkan keuntungan. Semua bisa diwujudkan asalkan kamu memiliki perencanaan keuangan yang matang…
4 Hal Wajib Dimiliki Pebisnis Kuliner
Food businesses are in demand because everybody needs to eat. Here are some of the necessary things you’ll need to own a successful food business!
Strategi Jadi Online Shop yang Paling Dicari Pelanggan
We cannot deny that a trend of online shopping is growing bigger and it creates significant changes in customer behaviours. here are several tips to be your customer favourite online shop
Apa sih bisnis omni-channel itu? Pelajari model bisnis zaman now!
Have you heard of omni-channel business? It is apparently a trend lately. But, what is it actually? And why did it become a thing? Read to learn more about omni-channel business!
6 Tren Bisnis Makanan yang Bisa Kamu Coba
Culinary business will not die so easily. Food trends will change overtime, some will stay popular and some will not. Regardless, the culinary itself won’t die. So it is a good start if you want to build a culinary business yourself. So, here are some trending culinary business ideas you can try!
4 Tips Mendapatkan Lebih Banyak Customer
Having a lot of customer must be fun! But how can we gain more customer? Worry not for we will give you some tips how gain customer. Read more!
Tertarik Bangun Bisnis Foodcourt? Simak Tipsnya!
You can’t say building a foodcourt is a bad idea in this Covid-19 time. With a good strategy, such as implementing online ordering system, you can still build your dream business. Check out the tips from iSeller here!
iSeller x GrabFood – Terima Pesanan GrabFood Langsung Dari POS!
For the FIRST TIME in Indonesia, you can enjoy a powerful integration between food-delivery platform GrabFood with #1 POS system iSeller! Read more to see how we can help you!
7 Manfaat Teknologi untuk Bisnis Kamu
Are you still doing manual labors in your business? Well, that is so old-fashioned. You need to implement digital system so that your business can run more efficiently!