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iSeller Top Feature Updates in Q3 2018

It’s been another month since our last monthly feature recap. In these past months, we’ve been pretty busy on crafting some of the best enhancements to keep iSeller the number one business platform of your choice. We have had some thoughts to make your business grow even more with our latest features, and minor yetContinue reading “iSeller Top Feature Updates in Q3 2018”

Gain Insights to Your Business with iSeller F&B Performance Reports

After your business is established and running well, you might be inclined to let things run as they are. However, it’s actually time to review, plan, and action again. After the crucial early stages of your business, you should regularly review your progress, identify which part of your business have run smoothly and which partContinue reading “Gain Insights to Your Business with iSeller F&B Performance Reports”

Project Your Profit and Loss with iSeller COGS Feature

When starting your own business, you need to have an end-to-end business plan. All of your business plan should consider several aspects such as location, future market condition, price of raw materials, selling price, profit, human resources, and many other aspects. All of these should be planned carefully in order to prevent profit loss. OneContinue reading “Project Your Profit and Loss with iSeller COGS Feature”

What we shipped: 20 new features and counting

Finally, the highly anticipated iSeller big updates is here! Over the past months, we’ve been working on dozens of enhancements and new features based on our customers feedback. Our goal is to make managing and growing your business even easier and simpler — and our new updates deliver just that. From flexible notification settings toContinue reading “What we shipped: 20 new features and counting”

New swipe UX revolutionizes how chefs work with kitchen display

Our recent February 2017 updates brought along massive updates to our entire POS apps as well as our core iSeller Cloud foundation. In the previous post, I’ve discussed the new QuickBar UI that lets user take orders in much less taps and scrolls. Today, I’m excited to show you what we’ve done with our magical Kitchen DisplayContinue reading “New swipe UX revolutionizes how chefs work with kitchen display”