Produk varian tidak hanya bisa diaplikasikan untuk bisnis retail, namun juga bisa diaplikasika untuk bisnis F&B restoran maupun F&B express. Biasanya ini digunakan untuk 1 jenis produk yang memiliki banyak tipe dengan harga sama. Nah, supaya kamu mudah mengelolanya, kamu bisa menggunakan fitur iSeller Product Varian nih. Berbeda dengan fitur modifier dimana kamu bisa menambahkanContinue reading “Produk Makanan Kamu Punya Banyak Varian? Simak Tips Mengelolanya!”
Tag Archives: Product Updates
Produk Makanan Kamu Punya Banyak Varian? Simak Tips Mengelolanya!
iSeller x SiCepat: Buat Delivery Produk Kamu Makin Cepat
Good news! iSeller is now integrated with SiCepat, one of the best delivery service in Indonesia. Enjoy the benefits of the integration simply by activating it. Read more to learn!
Pelanggan Bisa Pesan dan Bayar di Handphone? Kenapa Tidak!
Imagine if your restaurant customers can order and pay right from their phones. It is gonna be amazing, a whole new food ordering experience! Now, stop imagining and start to learn how to make it comes true. Read more!
iSeller Stock Count: Kelola Inventori dari Handphone
Doing stock opname doesn’t necessarily have to be a hassle. You can always do it in a simple way, using your own smartphone! Try our new iSeller Stock Count and enjoy the simplicity!
iSeller x Accurate: Permudah Manajemen Keuangan Bisnis
Check out our new powerful integration with the best accounting software, Accurate. Now you can manage your business financial much better and much easier. Read to learn more!
Contactless Dine-In, Cara Baru Pelanggan Pesan Makanan di Restoran
During New Normal, digital service is being seen as the best alternative for your restaurant. It is safer, easier and gives your restaurant a modern touch. Try eMenu, one of the most trending service system and the key feature of iSeller F&B Online Ordering!
New iSeller Online Ordering: Bangkitkan Bisnis F&B Kamu di Tengah Pandemi
Finally released! iSeller F&B Online Ordering, new feature from iSeller to help you run your restaurant online. Read to learn more about this feature!
Contactless Selling – Cara Baru Berjualan Aman
Contactless selling is a trend now, a perfect way to sell during Covid-19. Learn how to implement the system in your store!
Produk Kamu Punya Banyak Topping? Kelola dengan Fitur iSeller Modifier
It’s fun to have so many toppings for your product. Not only will it benefit the customer, it can also raise your profit. Read more to know how to manage it well with iSeller Modifier!
Cara Praktis Kelola Paket Combo Restoran Kamu
Gain more profit by selling product combo in your restaurant. Learn how to do it in the most simple way!