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5 Langkah Cara Buat Halaman Produk, Auto Masuk Pesanan

Anda merasa konversi penjualan dari kunjungan halaman produkmu rendah? Kemungkinan besar dikarenakan halaman produk Anda tidak menarik atau tidak mengikat calon pembeli untuk melakukan pesanan. Berdasarkan riset, 70% calon pembeli keluar setelah melihat halaman produk tertentu. Bisa disimpulkan bahwa isi halaman produk adalah faktor terpenting apakah seseorang akan memilih membeli produk Anda atau tidak. AdapunContinue reading “5 Langkah Cara Buat Halaman Produk, Auto Masuk Pesanan”

4 Hal Wajib Dimiliki Pebisnis Kuliner

Food businesses are in demand because everybody needs to eat. Here are some of the necessary things you’ll need to own a successful food business!

Pentingnya Sistem yang Tepat Untuk Sebuah Bisnis

Implementing the right system is the best thing you can do to your business. Help your business run as streamlined, efficient, and effective as possible. Find out how!

Strategi Jadi Online Shop yang Paling Dicari Pelanggan

We cannot deny that a trend of online shopping is growing bigger and it creates significant changes in customer behaviours. here are several tips to be your customer favourite online shop

iSeller Filter Outlet: Laporan Bisnis Rapi, Owner Hepi

Organization involves creating systems and procedures for all different parts of your business, which has the potential to help you become more productive. Thus, let us help you to our Filter Outlet feature,

5 Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Keputusan Konsumen Dalam Berbelanja

If you want to get a lot of people to buy your stuff, you also need to understand how consumers make purchasing decisions. Here are 5 things you should bear in mind if you want to win a customers’ heart

Customer di Restoran Kamu Berkurang Saat Pandemi? Cek Tipsnya!

You got less customer in your restaurant due to Covid19? Don’t worry, you can fix it! Just check out these tips for us and you will be fine!

7 Manfaat Teknologi untuk Bisnis Kamu

Are you still doing manual labors in your business? Well, that is so old-fashioned. You need to implement digital system so that your business can run more efficiently!

4 Tips Membangun Bisnis Rumahan

Building a home business is a good idea for you who want to start your own business. It is flexible and easy to manage. Read more to our tips to build a home business!